Tuesday 26 February 2013

Sweetcorn Soup

Sweetcorn brings back memories of lazy afternoon lunches after school, straight out the pot sprinkled with salt and lashings of butter.  We poked forks into the ends to serve as handles, and tried hopelessly not to get a face full of the melted butter.  These of course are always best eaten outside under the trees on a hot summers day, or sitting in the sun on a warm winters day. 
So on reading various recipes to make sweetcorn soup, I found this the best for us. However I had to adapted it for my daughter who has gluten and dairy allergies. I used margarine instead of the butter. The cream (50ml) was only added into my bowl and we shaved some goats Parmesan cheese over hers for flavour.
Sweetcorn Soup
Serves 2
 3 Cobs of fresh sweetcorn
1 litre of chicken stock
40g butter/margarine
1 small leek finely chopped
1 bay leaf
Salt and pepper
100ml cream
Popcorn kernels
Small basil leaves
  1. Cut the sweetcorn off the cobs using a sharp knife.
  2. Bring the stock to a boil and keep it simmering gently. I use homemade stock but you can use store bought chicken or vegetable stock.
  3. Melt the butter in a heavy based saucepan, add the leeks and garlic and sauté over a medium heat. Stirring all the time until the leeks are translucent. 
  4. Add the sweetcorn and the bay leaf and cook for a few minutes, season with salt and pepper.
  5. Add the stock to the sweetcorn mixture, bring to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes or until the corn is tender.
  6. Stir in the cream and remove from the heat.
  7. Blend the soup in a blender, and then pass through a sieve into a large saucepan.
  8. Pop the popcorn in a little oil and set aside.
  9. Reheat the soup gently when ready to serve.
  10. Garnish with the popcorn and small basil leaves.

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