Monday 11 March 2013

Grilled Cheese and mustard sandwich

The fridge and pantry cupboard always seem to be a bit bare after the weekend, but I always have cheese and today I also had some left over small ciabatta loaves. And what is more perfect than making grilled cheese sandwiches. 

This sandwich is fried gently and slowly in a pan, so that the cheese melts and runs out. The taste is so much better than if you’d toasted it in a toaster machine.  This amount of filling is enough for one small loaf, just double it up if you need more grilled cheeses.

1 T olive oil
1 small garlic clove, peeled
1 sprig fresh rosemary
50g strong cheddar cheese
½ t wholegrain mustard
1 egg yolk
A dash of Worcester sauce
1 t fresh parsley, chopped
1 small clove garlic, crushed
salt and pepper
1 small loaf ciabatta

1. Place the olive oil, garlic clove and rosemary in a small pan and heat gently. Remove from the heat and let it rest for a while.
2. Mix the cheese, mustard, egg yolk, Worcester sauce, parsley and crushed garlic and season to taste with the salt and pepper.
3. Slice the loaf (I got six slices out the small loaf) and place three slices on a board.
4. Divide the cheese mixture between the slices and cover with the remaining slices. Brush the olive oil over the slices on both sides.
5. Pan fry the sandwiches very gently over a low heat until the bread is golden and the cheese mixture has melted.

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