Monday 4 March 2013

Plum Jelly

One of the best things in life is a box of beautifully ripe plums in the height of summer.  They have been sitting in their bowl on the kitchen counter for a few days and even though we can try eating them all, it just isn’t going to happen before they spoil. 
I remember my gran making Crab Apple Jelly from the fruit in the back garden, and more recently I was thrilled to see Crab Apples growing in my brothers garden in England.  As I do not have Crab Apples in my garden, I got to wonder how Plum Jelly would work using the same recipe.  Well it’s worth a try….right? 

About 6kg plums
Water to cover

1. Use the biggest pot you have.
    2. Wash, halve and take the pips out the plums. Put them into the pot.
    3. Cover with water to about 2 –3 cm above the level of the plums and bring to the boil.

4. Reduce the heat and simmer gently for about 2 hours. I covered the fruit with a cartouche, but its not essential just don’t put a lid on the pot.
    5. Line a colander with a clean tea towel over a second pot.
    6. Remove the plums from the heat and tip it into the colander.
    7. Leave the plums to drain for about an hour. The tip here is not to push the plums down or press in any way, if you do you will get cloudy jelly.
    8. Discard the fruit and measure the juice in the second pot.
    9. For every 250ml juice you will need 100g sugar. Place the juice and the sugar in a pot and bring to the boil.
    10. Reduce to a simmer and allow it to cook until the setting consistency is reached. (If you dip a wooden spoon into it, it should cling like honey)
    11. Spoon the jelly into sterilized jars and seal. I use a round of wax wrap to sit on top of the jam. Store for about 6 months.



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