Saturday 3 November 2012

Chocolate Whisper Cupcakes

Chocolate is always a favourite in the house.....and so are cupcakes.  I got this recipe back in 1982 and it has become a firm favourite.  Originally for a layer cake, with a bit of tweaking it makes fabulous cupcakes.

 3 eggs
175g Castor sugar
60ml oil
60ml Cocoa, dissolved in
125ml hot water, allow to cool
120g flour
10ml baking powder
2ml salt
5ml vanilla essence
1 pkt Cadbury Whispers
1. Heat oven to 200 degree C.
2.  Place paper cups in baking tray.
3. Beat eggs and sugar together until light and fluffy.
4. Add oil and mix well.
5. Fold in sifted flour, baking powder and salt, alternatively with the cocoa mixture, into the egg mixture.
6. Add the vanilla essence and mix lightly.
7.  Pour a little mixture into paper cups and place 1 whisper in the centre of each.
8. Cover with the remaining mixture.
9. Bake for 12 - 15 minutes.
Chocolate Icing
120g margarine
240g icing sugar
60ml cocoa
5ml vanilla essence
1. Beat the margarine well.
2. Sift the icing sugar and coca together and beat into the margarine.
3. Add the vanilla essence and beat well.
4. When the cupcakes are cool, pipe on the icing and decorate with a Whisper and some edible glitter.


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