Monday 5 November 2012

Sugar Lumps

Can't remember when last I had sugar lumps for tea, so was rather thrilled when I saw these in the latest Ideas magazine.  We used to get those rock solid little white ones but these look so much better. 
So first things first, off to the shops to find a heart shaped ice tray, now this should be simple, yes it shouldn't be that hard!!  Except if none of the shops have them, just those big square shaped ice trays...
I knew the first shop I went into should have them, so went back again, but the staff were moving the store around, but eventually, way up higher than my head, I spotted them.
They really are quick and easy to make, follow the instructions here, I did leave them to dry a little longer,  and they came out perfectly.  Oh Yes!!

They make pretty awesome gifts as well.


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